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The Mission of Cultivating Jewels

It is my hope that you would feel at home here. As if we were sitting around my living room sipping on coffee and discussing matters that bring meaning to all of our lives. 













My heart is to equip women to see the Lord and Savior of our lives in light of the Gospel and together to walk out our Salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord. As we learn in Matthew chapter 6 our treasure (jewel) is in heaven, and where we place our treasure we will find our heart. It is imperative to me that we have the correct image of Christ rather than the picture the world paints of Him. We serve the God who breathed the stars and paints each sunrise/-set. The God we live for isn't afraid of the dirt under our fingernails, the hard times we walk through. Cultivating Jewels exists to get down into the dirty with you and walk through real life. There are no pretenses, no striving to be perfect, only joining hand in hand as we run towards Christ.


Girls in a Coffee Shop

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